English, asked by KrishnaDhara, 1 year ago

…….Suddenly it started raining and thunder rumbled .The animals frightened by the

streaks of lightning and the roar of thunder began to run…..

Develop a story in 200-250 words beginning with the above given lines .Also give a

suitable title to the story​


Answered by fadilahkhanA

the old rabbit

suddenly it started raining and thunder storm rumbled.the animals were frightened by the streaks of lightening and the roar of the thunder began to run... all animals started running to their homes but in the dark nothing was visible to them....the wind was moving so fast that it was taking away all the infants of animals and throwing them away from their parents the cries of the infants can be heared but their parents could do nothing.all small and big animals were really frightened an started mourning.....

an old rabbit had lost its child in the dark and started searching for it . she did not know where she was going and suddenly heard a cry of an dangerous animal.her heart fell out.she thought of running away but for one moment she thought about her child and went forward ...she realized that the sound from coming from the thick bushes under a palm tree which has fallen down due to the heavy rain...she thought somebody is in need for help .but what can she do now in the dark and also she was old.but even though sheher heart  not refuse to help that poor animal....

anyway she wemt into the bushes and swaw the litt;le cub of a mighty lion .she tried to help that poor cub and bought it out of the bushes now she took that baby the mighty lion and handled it over to its father.the father was really happy and in return he offered his help to her.the old rabbit confessed that there are many poor animals injured and some are need of help..some parents lost their kids while some kids lost their parents .i cant help the alon e but with the help of you and andd some animals it is possible.

the lion called all the animals for to help the animals in need and saved all the animals and handovered them to their parents.now all the animals helped her to find her little one and finally she found her little one and all the anaimals found their beloved ones.....

moral....even in critical situations take the decision which is good not only for you but for others also

  please please mark this as the brainliest please............

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