Suggest measures that could be implemented at school level to encourage
students to take up sports as a career option
Ask a student about a sport that interests them. ...
Ask a student about a sport that interests them. ...Once you know the sport they like, find affordable ways to make it available. ...
Ask a student about a sport that interests them. ...Once you know the sport they like, find affordable ways to make it available. ...Consider the time it would take to let them play. ...
Ask a student about a sport that interests them. ...Once you know the sport they like, find affordable ways to make it available. ...Consider the time it would take to let them play. ...Get necessary equipment for learning. ...
Ask a student about a sport that interests them. ...Once you know the sport they like, find affordable ways to make it available. ...Consider the time it would take to let them play. ...Get necessary equipment for learning. ...As a teacher, you must volunteer and lead.
1) Be competent
2) assistance of ledargicfying
2) compliance of all tasks