Summary and explanation of lines of the poem 'be the best'.
This poem by Douglas Malloch teaches a lesson that applies to each one of us. Everyone can not be the president of our country; who would pay taxes to support our government? Everyone can not be the boss; who would get the work done? There is no dishonorable work — all is necessary. If we were all doctors and lawyers, who would keep our streets clean and in good repair? Who would keep our trash carried off? Although we may not have as good a job as we would like, we need to take pride in our job and be the very best at whatever we do.
I have heard women apologize when asked what they do by saying, “Oh, I’m just a house wife”. But to me there is no more an honorable thing that anyone could do than to be a full time wife and mother. Raising children to be good citizens, productive adults, and Christian men and women is as valuable as anything we could chose to do.
I have often struggled over what I can do to make a difference in my life. Yet if I can only be a loving husband and father, a good example and provider, then I can at least make a difference in the lives of my own family. However our influence reaches far beyond our immediate family. We touch people’s lives at work, at the store, at the service station, at the restaurant, or wherever we come in contact with people. We may not be able to be as rich or as influential as some, we may not have, in our view, as honorable a job as we would like, but we can be the very best of whatever we are!