English, asked by nityasuperking, 1 year ago

summary for lakshman written by toru dutt


Answered by sanjeevnar6

Hi there,

Summary of Lakshman

The poem Lakshman by Toru Dutt is based on a conversation between Lakshman and Sita from the Great epic Ramayana. Sita asks Lakshman to pay attention to the cries reverberant. They're her Husband’s cry. She asks Lakshman to go and search for her husband. However, Lakshman says that his brother is that the mightiest and nobody will hurt him. Sita, being concerned regarding her husband asks Lakshman to travel anyway and convey her husband back to her. Lakshman denies leaving her alone within the woods. However, Sita is adamant. Lakshman then takes his arrow and carves a witching circle round Sita on the bottom to protect her from evil powers. He Takes the blessings of Sita and goes to bring his husband back.

Hope it helped.

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