English, asked by kandpalbhaskar786, 11 months ago

summary of chapter "On the whims of lottery adventurers".​


Answered by sangitabhandari3103



No I No.

Original Dedications 35 False Wit and Humour —Genealogy of

1 The Spectatdr's Account of himself Addison l[umour.Addison

2 Of the Club-Sir Roger de Coverley- 36 Letters from the Play-house, on the Disthe Templar-Sir Andrew Freeport- nmission of inanimate Performers Steele

Captain Sentry-Will Honeycomb- 37 Catalogue of a Lady's Library-CharacThe Clergyman Steele ter of Leonora Addison

3 Public-Credit, a Vision Addison 38 On Affectation-Vanity Steele

4 Advantages of the Spectator's Tacitur- 39 EnglishTragedy-Lee-Otway Addison

nity-Care of the.Female Sex Steele 40 Tragedy and Tragi-Comedy --

5 On the Absurdities of the Modern Opera Addison 41 Women called Picts-no Faith to be

6 Preference of Wit and Sense to Hones- kept with them Steele

ty and Virtue Steele 42 English Tragedy-Methods to aggran7 Popular Superstitions Addison dize the person in Tragedy Addison

8 Letters on Masquerades - 43 Account of the Hebdomadal Cltib-Re-,

9 Account of various Clubs marks on Dulness Steele

10 The uses of the Spectator - 44 Stage tricks to excite Pity-Dramatic

11 Character of Arietta-the Ephesian Ma- Murders Addison

tron-Inkle and Yarico Steele 45 III Consequences of the Peace-French

12 Custom of telling Stories of Ghosts to Fashions —Childish Impertinence -

Children Addison 46 The Spectator's Paper of Hints drop13 Conduct of the Lions at the Opera- ped-Gospel-gossip-Ogling

Merit of Nicolini 47 Theory of the Passion of' Laughter

14 Letters from the Lion-from an under 48 Spectator's Letter to the Ugly Clubsextona;-on the Masquerade-Puppet Letters from I-lecatissa-an old BeauShow Steele Strolling Players Steele

15 Story of Cleanthe-On happiness, ex- 49 Character at the Cofflee-Houlse-Euemplified in Aurelia-Fulvia Addison bulus

16 Various articles of dress-Lampoons — 50 Remarks on the English, by the Italian

Scandal-Politics —Letter from Charles Kings Addison

Lillie 51 Censure of a Passage in the Funeral17 Account of the Ugly Club Steele Indelicacies in Plays Steele

18 History of the Italian Opera Addison 52 Letter from the Ugly Club —Hobbes's

19 On Envy Steele Theory of Laughter

20 Impudence-the Starers 53 Letters on Female Education Hughes

21 Divinity, Law, and Physic overburdened The best-bred Men-the Spleen-a

with Practitioners Addison Peeper-King Latinus --

22 Absurdities of the Opera exemplified in 54 Account of a new Sect of Loungers --

Letters fiom the Performers of Beasts Steele 55 Effects of Avarice and Luxury on Em23 Ill-natured Satire Addison ployments Addisont

24 Complaint of Thomas Kimbow-imper- 56 Vision of Maraton

tinent Acquaintance-Letter from Ma- 57 Mischiefs of Party-Rage in the Female

ry Tuesday Steele Sex

25 Letter from a Valetudinarian-Excess 58 Essay on Wit-History of False Wit

of Anxiety about Health Addison 59 The same Subject continued

26 Reflections in Westminster Abbey 60 Wit of the Monkish Ages-in Modern'27 Resolutions to quit the world-Letter to Times --

a Clergyman Steele 61 The Subject continued

28 Project of an Office for the Regulation 62 Difference between True and False Wit

of Signs-a Monkey recommended for -Mixt Wit

the Opera Addison 63 Allegory of several Schemes of Wit

29 Italian Recitative-Absurdities of the 64 On public Mournings Steele

Opera Dresses 65 Characters of Sir Fopling Flutter, Dori30 Club of Lovers established at Oxford Steele mant, and Harriot

31 Project of a new Opera Addison 66 Letters on fashionable Education Hu7ghes

32 Admission of the Spectator into the Errors-inrth6'-dco~'mmdo'n6Modes Steele

Ugly Club Steele 67 Dancing-the Dangers of it-Country

33 Characters of Laetitia and Daphne-Art Dances-Exhibition of Pictures Budgel{

of Improving Beauty Hughes 68 On Friendship Addison

34 Success of the Spectators with various 69 Visit to the Royal Exchange-Benefit of

Classes of Readers represented by the extensive Commerce

Club Addison 70 Critique on the Ballad of Chevy-Chase


73 Passion for Fame and Praise-Charac- Providence

ter of the Idols 122 A Visit with Sir Roger to the Country

74 Continuation of the Critique on Chevy- Assizes

Chase 123 Education of country'Squires-Story

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