English, asked by vikas356, 1 year ago

summary of the adventure of toto ncert class 9


Answered by pravarshpatil1
tell me one by one question first then i give u ans

siddharthkalal: hy
Answered by mindfulmaisel

       The adventures of Toto is all about the main protogonist Toto, a mischievous monkey. The writer’s grandfather had a hobby of collecting animals and birds. One day, grandfather found a tonga driver who was carrying with him a monkey tied to a feeding trough. Looking at the pathetic situation of the poor monkey named Toto, grandfather decided to buy Toto from the tonga driver for a sum of 5 rupees.

       Little did grandpa know about the mischievous monkey. Grandpa was worried about how grandma would accept him bringing a monkey to the house, and so the writer and his grandpa decided to hide Toto inside a closet until they could manage to get the acceptance of grandma.  

      The problems started with Toto creating havoc in the closet. He started to disturb the neighbours and the servants of the house. One day, when grandpa left for sharanpur, he decided to carry toto with him in a tough canvas bag. After many failed attempts of escape, toto managed to peek out of the bag and smile at the ticket collector.  

      As the ticket collector declared Toto as a dog, grandpa was forced to get an additional ticket for 3 rupees. The annoyance created by Toto continued to grow day by day. He continued to commit mischievous activities like jumping into a kettle of boiling water, dropping down and breaking plates from the top of a tree.

      Finally, grandpa realized that he could no longer keep Toto with him. So he found the same tonga driver and sold that monkey back to him for a sum of 3 rupees.

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