English, asked by bjsjsjksk, 1 year ago

Summary of the ball poem.


Answered by HeAvEnPrlnCesS


The Ball Poem" is written by John Berryman. It is about a young boy who has lost his ball. The boy was playing with the ball when it bounced down the street into the sea. The poet says that the ball was very dear to the poet. He never considered the possibility that he might lose his ball. Now that he has lost it, he is grief - stricken. He realises that it was his responsibility to keep the ball safe and he has failed in his duty. He also realises that things will get lost from time to time and money simply can't replace them. As the little boy learn these lessons, he is growing up. The poet says that he is learning the harsh realities of life and in the process he is losing his innocence.

The poem has a deeper meaning also. The boy's ball personifies his young and happy days and his innocence. In this world , people will take away our innocence and force us to grow up. And once we lose this innocence, we can't get it back. This poem goes to show how all throughout our life, we will be forced to do things that we don't want to do and we lose or have to give up things that we love.

Answered by abhi200414



TheAnimeGirlEnglish Shakespeare

The Ball Poem is written by John Berryman who tells us that a boy loses his ball as it falls in the water. The poet emphasizes on the feelings of boy after losing his ball. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy as he stands stiff staring down. He is troubled at this loss.

The Poet tells us that how the boy is understanding the nature of loss and the boy must feel his responsibility. However, the Poet can buy him another ball and it won't cost much, but he won't do it since he wants the boy to learn the epistemology of loss and how to stand up when something is lost.

The boy is little and he must know the importance of loss and should be able to cope up with the loss and move on. He is experiencing grief and learning to grow up in this world of possessions.

The Poet also wants the boy to control his emotions and to tell himself that there are many things in life which get lost and cannot be brought back and in such situations, instead of being in grief how moving on in life is important. The loss of ball is just a small thing that the boy experiences and there's still more in life that is to come.

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