Summary of the poem bride of the fire by sri aurobindo
'Bride of the Fire' is a poem written by Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher, spiritual reformer, poet and a yogi. The poem has a lot of spiritual significance. The poet invokes the God of Fire, Agni and asks him to embrace his life for eternal pleasure. Agni is believed to be presiding deity of Vedas. The poet may also be refering to Sun God, Surya.
The poem has stanzas of four lines each. The follwoing is the stanza-wise summary:
Stanza one:
The poem invokes the God of Fire Agni and asks him to embrace him close. 'Bride of Fire' is the consort of fire ie Light. He says that he is ready to renounce his life as he has 'shed the bloom of earthy rose'. 'Earthly rose' is 'mortal love'. He also says he has no earthly desire so he is ready to renounce his life.
Stanza two:
The poet calls out to 'Light' which illuminates the earth. She is reffered to as 'Bride of Fire' as she is believed to be the consort of Agni. He asks her to take him with her as he has now overcome grief and all the earthly emotions.
Stanza three:
The poet is enchanted by the fire and calls her 'Image of Ecstasy' and 'Image of Bliss'.
Stanza four:
The poet promises not to part with the God of Fire. He asks him to continue his radiance and light the world. He invokes Surya, Sun God, who is also part of Agni, to accept him and embrace his life.
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