English, asked by Manan9958, 6 months ago

Summary of the Roman image


Answered by King795165


The Roman Image sees the return of Talkative Man as the central figure, after A Night of Cyclone and Lawley Road. TM re enters and takes center stage in this story of archaeology and discovery where TM becomes the assistant of an archaeologist, a man detached from his fellow beings, oblivious to the beauty of nature, interested only in lifeless friezes and caves.

In the initial pages, TM works hard to gain trust and experience of the archaeologist and later on he becomes the main protagonist as he discovers a roman image on the bed of saryu river, which is supposedly a statute of Roman emperor Tiberius II. Ambitious work is begun by TM to write a paper on the Roman Image, which may change the entire Indian history. He gives interviews, becomes famous and is about to publish the esteemed research.However, as is inevitable in Narayan’s stories, the events take a surprising turn where the entire narrative tumbles on its head. The fizz comes out of the bottle, leaving it empty and shapeless, as the actual history of Roman Image is divulged through a series of well endowed caustic remarks on the incompetence of experts and the foolhardiness of superstitious people.The truth is revealed and the coveted statue turns out to be a broken dwarapalak of a local temple, which was mutilated by the hallucinating priest and drowned in river.

The present story is no doubt written in a humorous vein and is thoroughly enjoyable. However, a particular thing that I noted was that Marco of Guide made a reappearance here. His name is not divulged, yet in his attitude and solitude, he is the same diligent, dry hearted scholar, whose only ambition in life is to achieve name and fame by making some important discoveries. And, in the present story, he does achieve an epitome. In Guide, Marco’s character was not fully explored. The significance of his work and book was only given a hint of, but in the present story, the researcher plays a prominent role. Even, TM re-invents himself, turning coat from a journalist to an archaeologist.Though, in the end, everything turns out to be unexpected and amusingly funny. As I have been reading Narayan’s stories, I found them an extension of his novels, where characters are explored, their names rechristened and their roles reversed. I think as Narayan once said, ‘he often felt characters of novels keep visiting on his door’, in his stories, he has probably made an attempt to pacify the individual need of each character by writing the story from their point of view. If in A Night of Cyclone an undiscovered event of Krishna‘s life(though he is called TM) is revealed, as the story is about the birth of his first child, the thoughts of Rosy were given a vent in Selvi.

One may also say that Narayan not only created Malgudi as a town, but he also filled it with real people, who keep coming in his novels and stories, as are the landmarks of Malgudi, such as Kabir Lane, Lawley Road, Mempi Hills and Fountain Square.

I would call The Roman Image, an extension of Guide, a very funny side of the boring excavation work. The story is quite sarcastic, makes fun of the so called experts, who create a hill out of a mole, pokes fun at the temple authorities for employing a drunkard as priest just because of his lineage. and serves well for a wannabe archaeologist who is an ignoramus as far as history and historical associations are concerned. A good, light hearted story with just the right dosage of satire!


Hope this will help you.

Answered by Jasleen0599

The brief tale 'The Roman Image' is by R. K. Narayan. The fundamental hero is an aspirations loquacious man, a collaborator to a famous prehistorian, who is tended to as 'Specialist'.

  • The talkative man starts to narrate his story letting us know that he was once a paleologist's collaborator. He and the paleontologist had meandered the entire nation 'examining, investigating, and digging archeological locales for historical relics. Individuals regularly prodded them as 'undertakers'. The chatty man says that he had partaken in his occupation tremendously.
  • The narrator felt that the recommendation of him being employed by the Doctor was in question and remembered his failed to remember information in history and shrewdly addressed that no endeavors had been made to investigate the . history of Malgudi yet ranchers had found 'old surprising pieces of ceramics and metal while plowing their fields. The narrator was recruited by the Doctor for a royal amount of fifty rupees each month.
  • The narrator had enchanted the Doctor by taking anything that he viewed as fascinating to him in the wake of cleaning and cleaning them. Numerous a period he conned the specialist into accepting they were genuinely historical antiquities, however they had a place with modem time.
  • The narrator uncovers that he had once scored a hit. i.e., he had tracked down a valid historical vestige. Once, the narrator and the Doctor had set up camp at Siral - a town around sixty miles from Malgudi. Spiral was an exquisite antiquated town on the banks of the Sarayu River, encompassed by a radiant wilderness of bamboo and teak. The Doctor and the narrator were looking for a covered city.
  • They were in extraordinary expectation since, in such a case that they observed the lost city as it would 'Drive the earliest known civilization three centuries further back and match Mohenjo-Daro (Indus valley progress) for its historical relic. The specialist had a mystifying sensation of contention with the pioneers of old urban areas like Mohenjo-Daro.
  • While on the dig, the narrator had gone to the waterway for a shower in the evening after work. Before the day, they had observed a piece of stained glass got in a field outside the town. The Doctor had concentrated on the glass piece and concluded that it was a Florentine glass utilized in A.D.5.
  • He thought about how it ended up tracking down its direction into a distant town in Malgudi because it was not normally viewed as somewhere else on the planet. He trusted that if the personality of the glass piece was laid out it would make an upset ever. He had cautioned the narrator to be attentive as they were near the precarious edge of making an extraordinary revelation.
  • While the narrator was swimming in the waterway he jumped somewhere inside when his hand struck against something hard and he got it and rose to the top. It was an image and he energetically took more time to the Doctor. The Doctor inspected it and happily let the narrator know that the image provided them with a completely new arrangement of potential outcomes.
  • It was made of stone and was about a foot high. As it was lowered submerged for numerous years it seemed to have been cleaned. There were a couple of subtleties of trimming and curtain. He pronounced that it was a Roman sculpture and thought about how it tracked down its direction to Malgudi and chose to examine it completely.
  • In the following a few months their revelation was distributed in significant papers and periodicals on the planet. The disclosure was talked about all around the archeological clique and was at long last concluded that the image was that of Roman Emperor Tiberius II. (Constantine was an Eastern Roman ruler from 574 to 582) The Doctor had additionally counseled Roman texts which likewise referenced Roman connections with South India.
  • The Doctor and his partner circumvented India giving talks on the Roman image. The chatty man went with the Doctor to Madras and started to compose a monograph on the Roman image, which should be a stupendous work on history.
  • The narrator was glad that his name would likewise be referenced as a co-creator of the volume. The Doctor had endowed the examination work to the narrator and had gone to North India to complete a deficient archeological work.
  • The narrator had persistently led inside and out research sitting in an enormous library. Progressively he turned into a perceived character in educated social orders. Many individuals came to counsel him on the new revelation. His name and his exploration work were accounted for in the Media - "Monograph on which he has been working throughout recent months will be prepared for the distribution in ten days.
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