English, asked by harshilranawat28, 1 year ago

Summary of wings of fire chapter 4


Answered by irascibletorpedo7289
The summary of Wings Of Fire Chapter 4:

Katniss feels anxious and angry as she realizes she will never be free of the Capitol’s control. The train stops temporarily for repairs, and Katniss jumps off and sits outside by herself until Peeta walks up. To Katniss’s surprise, Peeta apologizes for the way he acted after the Hunger Games. When he found out she was just pretending to be in love with him, he was hurt, but he came to realize she was doing it for survival. They agree to be friends, and Peeta takes her back on the train to see his paintings. They are all images from the arena that they saw during the Hunger Games, and both admit they have nightmares about the Games all the time.

They arrive at the first stop on their tour, District 11, which was the home of Rue, the young girl Katniss befriended during the Hunger Games who was killed. It’s an agricultural district where much of Panem’s food comes from, and it’s heavily guarded. Katniss and Peeta are scheduled to give an address in the main square. Katniss doesn’t plan on speaking because she worries she’ll be overcome with emotion. She notices Rue’s family in the audience, and after Peeta gives his speech, she spontaneously steps to the microphone. She thanks the families of the tributes, and suddenly an old man whistles the code Katniss and Rue used in the Games. In unison all the people in attendance raise their hands in the gesture of respect used in District 12, and Katniss knows immediately the Capitol will see it as a gesture of defiance. After she and Peeta are pulled off stage, Katniss sees she forgot the flowers she was given, and dashing back out to grab them, she sees the old man who whistled dragged out and shot.

Hope it helps you
Answered by findme21
My chiodhood is an extract from Dr.A.P.J.Abdul kalam's autobiography 'Wings of Fire'.Here Dr.A.P.J Abdul kalam who is known as missile man of india and also the 14th president of India gives an account of his childhood days at rameswaram.His journey from a middle class family in rameswaram was not a smooth ride.He faced many of the hardest challenges in life.He also inherited many good qualities from his parents and teachers.His father was not very much educated.He disliked all luxuries.But he satisfied the family's needs on time.Kalam earned his first wages by helping his cousin samsuddin by selling newspapers.
His very close friends were Ramanadha sastry,Sivaprakasan,Aravindan.Kalam was very fond of his science teacher Sivasubramania Iyer.Once kalam was invited by him for a meal.But Iyers wife was horrified by the idea of bringing a muslim boy into her ritually pure kitchen But Iyer was not perturbed by his wife's attitude.After the meal kalam left .But the next time when Kalam was invited by Iyer,his wife served him with her own hands
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