summary on Function of education
The Function of Education
Education is an aspect of socialisation which involves the acquisition of knowledge and learning of skills. It shapes our beliefs and moral values through a systematic formal transmission. Education is said be an integral function of society, as it provides a contributory characteristic which helps to maintain and adapt society and it's values.
Before the 1960's, education was taught through a system known as the 'Tripartite' system. This involved all children at the age of eleven undertaking an exam in order to ascertain individual ability in order to separate the children into streams of ability and assign them to what was believed to be the most appropriate…show more content…
The Comprehensive was intended to reduce class differences in educational attainment. It allowed children to mix from all social backgrounds and therefore provided equal opportunity.
Although this system has been highly criticised since it was first introduced there are a number of factors which imply and suggest that although the comprehensive system is less divisive than the tripartite, it still does little to engender social equality if anything, serves to reinforce class inequality. According to the Marxist Sociologists, Bowles and Gintis (Schooling in Capitalist America, 1976), education will always reinforce and legitimate social inequality. As a consequence of the elite owning the means, they decide what the curriculum entails and therefore continuously reinforce and reproduce their class status as the system is designed by themselves for themselves, leaving the working class powerless. In any industrial capitalist society there is a rigid hierarchy of authority, this is evident in the workplace, in society and in its values which are instilled in members of society at any early age - at school.
The function of education is summarised in the paragraph below.
Education is a tool that can be used to make one's life better. It is probably the single most important tool available for making significant changes in one's life. The education of a child should start in the home. It is a process that lasts a person's entire life and ends with death. There is no doubt that a person's level of education affects the calibre of their life. Education not only enlarges a person's knowledge and skill set but also helps mould their personality and outlook on life. Education is the single most important factor that determines a person's chances of securing employment. A person with a good education has a better chance of finding a good job. Education is a major factor in the development of maturity in people. The lives of educated people inevitably become more sophisticated. Individuals learn the significance of self-discipline as the primary objective of education. People with higher levels of education have a much better understanding of the significance of time. In the eyes of educated people, time is comparable to financial resources. Education gives people the tools they need to articulate their thoughts clearly. Educated people are able to articulate their perspectives in a clear and concise manner. As a consequence of this, educated people have a greater chance of convincing others of the validity of their position.