Suppose the direction cosines of
two lines are given by
al + bm + cn = 0 and
fmn + gln + hlm = 0 where
5 ,g, h,a,b,c are arbitrary constants
and l, m, n are direction cosines of
the lines. On the both of the above
information answer the following
Co-ordinates (3D)
Complete question.
Show that if the straight lines whose direction cosines are given by ,
be parallel, then one of the relations
is true.
Prove further that if the lines be at right angles, then
Given relations are
Eliminating from the relations above, we get
If and
be the direction cosines of the given lines, then we can take
being the roots of equation
If the lines be parallel to each other, their direction cosines will be the same and the roots of the equation has to be equal.
For equal roots, we write
Equation also gives
Similarly eliminating from the given relations, we get
Combining and
, we have
If the given two lines be at right angles, then
This completes the proof.
The plane passing through the origin and containing the lines whose direction cosines are proportional to and
passes through the point.