Suppose you are the secretary of the tour committee of your school. Your school has arranged a trip to science city, Kolkata. Now write a notice for the school notice book.
[ Hints : Date and cake - Conveyance - Departure - return - enlisting names ]
Kindly don't copy from Google.... write in your own words...!!
Date : 1.05.20
All the students of our school are hereby informed that our school has arranged a trip to science city, Kolkata on 11th May . A well- conditioned luxury bus has already been hired for this purpose. Therefore, the students are requested to follow carefully the points given below :
i) Date and time and place of departure : May 11 , at 8 a.m. , school premises.
ii) Fees for the trip : Rs. 150/- each.
iii) Date of enlisting names : 2 may.
iv) Time of arrival : around 7 a.m.
So, all the students are requested to enlist their names. For any further details undersigned may be contacted.
(Countersigned). Anushka Saha
Headmistress. Tour committee
XYZ School
____ Own composition :)