English, asked by bapukan986, 10 months ago

switzerkand is_ europian country(a, and, the


Answered by spch11111111


the .............................

Answered by iamswarnarka


Switzerland is a European country


English is not a phonetic language - which means that spelling and pronunciation do not go together many a time. The same vowels stand for more than one sound, and sometimes they even stand in for consonant sounds. Take “u”, for example. It can have the sound of a vowel in umbrella, but, cut,supper, and also in put (a different vowel sound), but it has a consonant sound of /y/ in cute, tube,mute, university, uniform, unicorn, etc. You’d pronounce them as /kyoot/, /tyoob/, /yuniverciti/ and so on. So, in those words where the word begins with /u/, and it actually has the consonant sound of /yu/, we will need to use the indefinite article ‘a’ - since ‘a’ precedes a singular count noun beginning with a consonant SOUND - Remember, it’s the initial sound that determines whether we use ‘a’ or ‘an’, not the spelling. So also for European. ‘e’ stands for several vowel and consonant sounds - pen, set, men, lesson (one kind of vowel sound), given, person (another kind of vowel sound; meet seen, meal ( the long /e/ sound), You will hear (if you hear carefully) two different /e/ sounds in even, elephant, enter, elevate. ‘e’ also stands for the consonant sound/yu/ in European, ewe, eunuch, eulogy. Since these words have an initial consonant sound, we have to use the indefinite article ‘a’, not an.Switzerland is a European country

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