English, asked by prince70156, 9 months ago

Synonyms and Antonyms
A. Underline the synonyms in these sentences.
1. Mice are tiny animals and ants are little insects.
2. Kaya is a nice girl, with a pleasant personality
3. The rocks are so hard it is difficult to break them.
4. Kim had a shiny red purse with a glossy surface.
5. My brother was happy to meet his cheerful group of friends after two months.
B. Rewrite the sentences after replacing the underlined words with the correct antonyms.
1. Varun likes to sleep on a soft bed. (hard, rough)
2. Sam bought pens and erasers yesterday. (purchased, sold)
3. The English test was very difficult. (easy, hard)
4. Karan is absent today. (present, missing)
5. Nina gave the correct answer in the class. (wrong, right)​


Answered by priyankachaudhary091

Answer:(I) tiny and little are synonyms.(ii) nice and pleasant. (Iii)hard and difficult. (iv)shiny and glossy.(v) happy and cheerful.2(I)hard (ii) purchased (iii)easy (iv) present (v)wrong


Answered by nikki170603



1. Tiny & Little

2. Nice & personality

3. hard & difficult

4. Shiny & Glossy

5. Happy & Cheerful


1. Rough

2. Sold

3. Easy

4. Present

5. Wrong

Hope it helps!!! :)

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