Tamil Nadu was the first state in India to introduce the scheme and in 2001 the supreme court ask all state governments to begin this programme
a) which scheme is the above statement referring to ?
b) list any two benefits of this is scheme. c) how do you think this programme might help promote greater equality?
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Tamil Nadu was the first state in India to introduce this scheme. The first school which had the scheme since 1925 was Sourashtra Boys Higher Secondary School , Madurai. In 2001, the Supreme Court asked all state governments to begin this programme in their schools within 6 months.
i hope it's helpful to u
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Answer: a) Mid-Day meal scheme
b) Increases attendance of students in school.
Reduces child labour.
c) The mid-day meal system promotes greater equality because it help to reduce caste prejudice as both upper and lower caste students u eat meals together and in few places Dalit women are appointed to cook food for them.
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