English, asked by joshuasosobrado, 3 months ago

Task 9. Check Your Understanding
Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
1. In the story "A Day in the Country" from the way the characters react to the
setting, you can tell that they are
A. comfortable with their surroundings
B. excited by the prospects of an adventure
C. confident that they will get through the forest
D. disturbed by the dark stuffiness of the forest
2. In the first paragraph of the story ‘A Day in the Country', imagery is used to
describe the day. What kind of mood does that imagery create?
A. The mood is happy because a warm wind frolics over the grass.
B. The mood is in distress as the "trees bends" and "dust stirs up"
suggest danger.
C. The mood is creepy because of the line "a dark leaden-coloured mass
is creeping over the sky towards the sun".
D. The mood is emotional as the line “And no one sees his love" suggests
affection of the character towards the other characters in the story.
3. The line "A dark leaden-coloured mass is creeping over the sky toward the
sun."uses what literary device?
A. analogy
B. imagery
C. irony
D. simile​


Answered by riyaasati



What would life be without the wonders of nature? What if there are no bountiful gifts fromnature? Can we survive in this world?In this lesson, you will be given the opportunity to show your appreciation of nature.Remember, life on earth is the greatest gift of nature, and it can be found in several hues andshapes. The beauty of nature mesmerizes all of us for without nature, we would not now thegreatest gift of our e!istence.


To live in God’s wondrous creation is a blessing to be thankful for. Oftentimes, we tend toignore the magic it brings us but let us not forget that what it offers us generates a great change; a change that surely makes a difference in our very own existence.

". #troll outside your classroom and find out nature$s gift to us. Then, complete thestatements below to state your point of view. %ear in mind that your point of view is the waythe author allows the reader to &see' and &hear' what$s going on. "fter ten minutes compareyour answers with your classmates$ and share to the class what you as the author feel, thin,and believe about the gifts of nature%. (ave a gallery wal with nature inside your classroom and share your viewpoints based onthe following pictures. Relate your perspective in this activity with the previous activity.


Some eole don’t recogni!e how beautiful nature is. "ature’s ama!ing slendor fascinates usand rekindles our secial bond with God.

)isten to the song &What a Wonderful World' by )ouis "rmstrong. Then do the followingactivities.". Complete the following graphic organizers based on the song*

_____________ ___________ _____________ ___________ I believe that…In myopinion… _____________ ___________ _____________ ___________ I think…I feel that…

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