Teaching-learning process through modules amidst the COVID-19 pandemic isn't as effective as the face-to-face method. As an ROTC Cadet, how do you manage your learning process without compromising the effectivity of the current teaching-learning method?300words
Schools and colleges were shut down in the second week of March as a preventive measure to contain the spread of COVID-19. In September now, we are still debating whether to reopen. Apart from impacting the future of 32 crore young citizens, this has also pushed educators to reshape the mechanism of imparting lessons.
Some immediate measures included shifting teaching process online on an untested and unprecedented scale, conducting online assessments on trial-and-error basis, creating content suitable for remote learning using technology and tools among others. However, transitioning to an ‘online mode’ has had its share of challenges. These include limited access to the Internet, lack of uninterrupted power supply, ill-equipped teachers, absence of a robust monitoring method, hindrances to replicating the rapport between teacher and students in an online world, bridging the patchy and impersonal online experience, increase in screen-time and unavailability of tools to create content in regional languages.