Environmental Sciences, asked by aliboda6, 1 year ago

technical report on global warming


Answered by ronitron

global warming is an essential process of gases on earth due to which life flourished many years ago.I is caused by tracing of sun's heat by the greenhouse gases,for example CO2,Oxides of Nitrogen etc.These gases trap the heat and do not let that heat escape causing an increase in the mean temperature of earth.Many years ago it was beneficial for life to sustain on earth because these greenhouse gases were not found in abundance but now these gases are found in abundance because of new industries coming up everyday which release these gases as a product of their manufacturing.The phenomenon of acid rain is also a result of these gases as they rise up in the air and gets mixed up with water vapour in clouds making the water acidic in nature and come down in the form of acid rain. A gas called CFC ( ChloroFloroCarbons )released from the air conditioners and refrigerators has caused a hole in the protective Ozone layer by braking the natural bond of Ozone gas ( O3 ).This gas is also a greenhouse gas.This process is now threating our life.It is estimated by the scientists that it will increase the mean temperature of earth by 2-3 degree Celsius which is very bad for human and as well as animal civilization.

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