English, asked by eriestafalla, 4 months ago

television and online what's the difference​


Answered by anita9570391301


television is the things shown offline but live also

online mean to connect with internet


please please follow me please

Answered by aneeka43


Hope it helps...



Television commercials require a larger budget because they must meet the expectations large media buys command. This means only a select few ideas make their way through production and on to TV. Alternatively, online viewers are watching on a smaller screen and prefer a shorter length video – and online media costs are much less than those of TV. Therefore, more videos can be created with an online budget and then placed in a library of sorts to pull from for various targets.


Reporting and analytics are broader and less informative in the TV video realm. Agencies need to request data or rely on the stations to provide that data periodically.

This means that assumptions and insights gained from that data can only happen as fast as they’re received. Online videos, on the other hand, are a constant source of data. We can take a look at any time to see what’s working best and push additional resources that way.

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