English, asked by Hotbabe, 1 year ago

tell me about hermione's study routine..


Answered by HermioneJeanGranger
This is the method I also follow. It has been useful so far.


While it may not be necessary to read every word of every textbook before your classes even start, it will be extremely helpful to read any chapters, articles, websites or extra information your lecturers give you. Do any extra questions as well. Usually your lecture would have gone out of his/her way to get this information to you, this is because they think it will help you, and it probably will.

Answer questions in class.

Trying to answer questions in class will help to keep you concentrated on the topic at hand, you can’t answer questions if you haven’t been paying attention. This will not only show your lecturer that you are interested in learning (and they may be more lenient on you if you are ever after an extension or miss a class) it will also help you to identify when you don’t understand something, and gives you the chance to clarify.

Help others.

“Its leviooosar, not leviosaarr.” … Okay, so maybe try help others in a more understanding way. But when you see someone struggling with something in class or an assignment, help them. This is something that pretty much everyone will appreciate, and it can also help you to solidify your own knowledge. There have been heaps of studies that show that you are much more likely to retain information once you have taught someone else about it.

Get things done early.

This is one that pretty much everyone knows, but very few ever do. Try to be one of those few, if you get assignments or readings done early, then you can always ask questions if you get stuck on something, have more time to work on other things, not feel stressed about it, you’ll have the chance to polish up anything you aren’t super happy with and more. Trust me, it is worth it.

Find a nice environment to study in.

Some people like their desk while others like their bed and some people fall asleep if they study in bed. Find something that works for you. I find that if I take a trip to my local café or library I am much more motivated because I have gone there for the purpose of studying.. Whereas at home I sometimes I find it too distracting.

Don’t forget to take time to have fun.

While Hermione does study a lot, she also has fun and enjoys herself. Studying and learning is awesome, but give yourself some time to unwind. Don’t let yourself get burnt out, take regular brakes during long study sessions, and try to set bigger chunks of time aside some days to relax, play games or see friends. You might feel fine after the first 2 hours, but after an 8 hour study session with no breaks.. You may not feel so motivated…

Hotbabe: omg thank you so much!!
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