Tell me about Sheriff Callie
hi friend here's your answer
Sheriff Callie's Wild West is an animated children's television series created by the combined efforts of George Evelyn, Holly Huckins and Denis Morella and produced by WildBrain Entertainment. It first aired on Disney Junior on January 20, 2014 with an 11-minute episode preview aired in the "Magical Holidays on Disney Channel" programming event on December 13, 2013.
Callie, a cat sheriff, roams around her Old West town along with her deputy, a woodpecker named Peck, and fun-loving cactus sidekick Toby. Together they watch over Nice and Friendly Corners to make sure that everyone in the frontier town follows the Cowpoke Code, a set of rules of fairness, honesty, hospitality, cooperation and hard work. Their goal is to make sure the town remains the friendliest in the West, and Callie is always ready to aid her fellow townspeople and guide them into making the right choices to help the cause. Each episode includes two original songs that enhance the story being told. Having good morals, manners and social ethics are some of what the programme aims to teach young viewers.
it is available on IMDb
thank you hope this helps u
no deletion of answers pls
Sheriff Callie (voiced by Mandy Moore) is a calico cat who wears a pink cowboy hat, a yellow sheriff badge and pink neck kerchief on a brown vest, a yellow-buckled brown belt holding up blue jeans, and pink cowboy boots.
Callie, a cat sheriff, roams around her Old West town along with her deputy, a woodpecker named Peck, and fun-loving cactus sidekick Toby. Together they watch over Nice and Friendly Corners to make sure that everyone in the frontier town follows the Cowpoke Code, a set of rules of fairness, honesty, hospitality, cooperation and hard work. Their goal is to make sure the town remains the friendliest in the West, and Callie is always ready to aid her fellow townspeople and guide them into making the right choices to help the cause. Each episode includes two original songs that enhance the story being told. Having good morals, manners and social ethics are some of what the programme aims to teach young viewers.
hope this helps