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1 572 is divisible by 4 and not divisible by 8
if you take the last two numbers and chec
k whether divisible by 4 and 8
in 14560 it is divisible by 4 and 8
in q2. for divisibility of six it need to be divisible by 2 and
17852 is divisible by two and not divisible by 3 since the sum of numbers of. 17852 that is 1+7+8+5+2 is 23 which is not divisible by 3
4335 if you just look it is not divisible by 2 since it ends in 5 which is not divisible by 2 so both the numbers are not divisible by 6
Answered by
ques 1 (a) divisible by 4
(b) divisible by 4 and 8
ques 2 (a) not divisible by 6
(b) not divisible by 6
ques 3 prime number - 41,43,47,49
composite number- 42,44,45,46,48
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