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Konark Sun Temple is a 13th-century CE sun temple at Konark about 35 kilometres (22 mi) northeast from Puri on the coastline of Odisha, India.The temple is attributed to king Narasingha deva I of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty about 1250 CE.
Dedicated to the Hindu sun god Surya, what remains of the temple complex has the appearance of a 100-foot (30 m) high chariot with immense wheels and horses, all carved from stone. Once over 200 feet (61 m) high, much of the temple is now in ruins, in particular the large shikara tower over the sanctuary; at one time this rose much higher than the mandapa that remains. The structures and elements that have survived are famed for their intricate artwork, iconography, and themes, including erotic kama and mithuna scenes. Also called the Surya Devalaya, it is a classic illustration of the Odisha style of Architecture or Kalinga Architecture .
The cause of the destruction of the Konark temple is unclear and remains a source of controversy. Theories range from natural damage to deliberate destruction of the temple in the course of being sacked several times by Muslim armies between the 15th and 17th centuries.This temple was called the "Black Pagoda" in European sailor accounts as early as 1676 because its great tower appeared black. Similarly, the Jagannath Temple in Puri was called the "White Pagoda". Both temples served as important landmarks for sailors in the Bay of Bengal.The temple that exists today was partially restored by the conservation efforts of British India-era archaeological teams. Declared a UNESCO world heritage site in 1984, it remains a major pilgrimage site for Hindus, who gather here every year for the Chandrabhaga Mela around the month of February.
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Answer :
★ Main Attractions
- The main temple structure and the geometrical patterns all around the temple
- The carved wheels and the spokes of the wheel which serve as sun dials
- Architectural figures including the war horses, the elephants and the guarding lions at the entrance
- The Nata Mandir (Dancing Hall)
- Three images of Sun God at three direction of the temple to catch the rays of the Sun at dawn, noon and sunset
- The various images of dieties, dancers, musicians, elephants and mythical creatures
- The second level of the temple structure which showcases the famous erotic sculptures
- The Sun temple museum run by Archaelogical Survey of India
- The Nava Graha (Nine Planets) Temple
★ Facts
- The Konark is the third link of Odisha's Golden Triangle. The first link is Jagannath Puri and the second link is Bhubaneswar (Capital city of Odisha)
- The Konark temple is constructed as a gigantic chariot with 24 wheels about three meters high and pulled by 7 horses, housing the Sun God within
- The entrance is guarded by two huge lions, each killing a war elephant and beneath the elephant is a man. The lions represent pride, elephants represent wealth and both of them consumes man
- Konark temple was initially built on the sea bank but now the sea has receded and the temple is a little away from the beach. This temple was also known as 'BLACK PAGODA' due to its dark color and used as a navigational landmark by ancient sailors to Odisha
- Everyday, the Sun's rays would reach the Nata Mandir from the coast and reflects from the diamond placed at the center of the idol
- A heavy magnet was placed at the temple top and every two stones of the temple is sandwiched by iron plates. The idol was said to have been floating in air due to the arrangement of magnets. The magnet at the top is said to have disturbed compasses for coastal voyagers and later on removed
★ UNESCO World Heritage Site
- The Sun Temple of Konark has been declared a world heritage site by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1984.
- Location - Puri District, State of Orissa
- Date of Inscription - 1984
- Brief Description - On the shores of the Bay of Bengal, bathed in the rays of the rising sun, the temple at Konarak is a monumental representation of the sun god Surya's chariot; its 24 wheels are decorated with symbolic designs and it is led by a team of six horses. Built in the 13th century, it is one of India's most famous Brahman sanctuaries