tell me some study related jokes like in chemistry or physics or in BIOLOGY....i need as a project in my college....
1. A science teacher tells his class, "Oxygen is a must for breathing and life. It was discovered in 1773." A blonde student responds, "Thank God I was born after 1773! Otherwise I would have died without it."
2. Q. What do clouds do when they become rich?
A. They make it rain!
3. Helium walks into a bar and asks for a drink. The bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve noble gases here." Helium doesn't react.
4. Q: Why are Helium, Curium, and Barium the medical elements?
A: Because if you can't heal-ium or cure-ium, you bury-um.
I've answered you question in the form of attachments (3 attachments)
PS- These jokes are not mine
Source: Random stuff from the Internet
Well that's it for today folks! I enjoyed answering your question, and yeah, I hope that I made your day :)