tell me the impormation about khokho and kabadi
kho-kho :-Rules and regulations:
1. The running or chasing side is decided by the toss.
2. A team consists of 12 players in which two teams of 9 playing members play against each other alternately in four turns or quarters of 9 minute each.
3. ‘Chaser’ team takes a sitting position in the cross lanes with opposite back in 8 squares and one player stands near the pole.
4. Runner tram sends players for running.While other runners will wait for their turn in entry zone area
5. Chaser team attempts to catch the running players while passing on Kho from one player to another.
6. Chaser player can only move in one direction without crossing the central lane
7. The points are awarded by the legal touch of chaser player to the running players
8. An additional inning shall be played in case of equal points where time is compared to make 1 player out.
Skills of kho-kho
Chasing skills: while chasing,Kho should be given in loud voice.while calling Kho, the player should be touched.
Turning at pole: The turning around the pole is performed on one hand and the other free hand is used for touching a runner.
Chasing: chaser moves in the direction of the cross line and tries to come nearer to a runner.
Diving: when the chaser feels that the runner is in his approach, a dive is taken.
Chaser: The sitting team who tries to touch the opponent team members .
Runner: The players of opposing team who save themselves from being touched by the chaser
Cross lane: The parallel lanes cutting center lane at the middle of the playfield.
Central lane: Two parallel lines from one pole to other.
Late-Kho: when active chaser delays in the touch for giving Kho to another.
Line-cut: When chaser cuts the square line cross lanes or center lane during chasing opponent.
Changing the direction: When active chaser goes in the wrong direction against rules.
Early getup: When the sitting chased gets up before proper getting Kho.
Square: square shaped area by the cutting of center lane and cross lane used for sitting of chase.
Minus-Kho: A violation of directional fault in which the chased cannot make the running player out unless Kho is passed back to two teammates or touch to a pole.
Lobby: The free space area around the play field.
Free zone: The area by the sides of pole lines in which the direction rule is not followed and a runner can move in any direction.
Pole:A specially made wooden cyclindrical structure, firmly erected up at the sides of playfield.
Kabaddi :- Rules of the Game:
1. Two teams of seven players each take their position in its own half side of playfield in this game.
2. One player get chance to ‘raid’ in opponent side, by speaking ‘kabaddi-kabaddi’.
3. He moves in a dodging pattern in an attempt to touch opponent players and reach back safely to his side.
4. The opponent player also try to catch hold of the raider so that he cannot go back to his side.
5. Each raider has to cross baulk line during raid.
6. lobby area can only be used during struggle.
7. No player can hit, push etc during struggle.
8. No player can catch the clothes of the player.
9. Fouls: violent tacking, more than 5 seconds to raid, hitting the out raider, side push etc.
Fundamental skills of kabaddi:
Two fundamental skills are involved in the game of kabaddi:
1. Offensive skills : -These offensive skills are performed by raider to touch opponents and come back safe to own half after raid.
1. Cant: cant is a repeated clear sound of the word ‘kabaddi-kabaddi’ in one single breath during raid by the raider.
2. Toe touch: Toe touch is performed by the raider to touch the opponent by toe or leg during raid.
3. Side-kick: the raider tries to touch opponent by side kicking keeping in mind that opponent should not hold the leg.
4. Front-kick: the raider tries to kick from front, in a deceiving action keeping in mind that opponent should not grab the leg.
5. Mule-kick: It is a deceiving kick by and showing back to opponent.
2.Defensive skills : -These are the defensive skills performed to grab raider.
1. Knee-catch: the catcher holds/grabs the Knee catch this the raider is unable to escape from the grip of catcher.
2. Ankle-catch: the catcher visualizes the movement of raider very carefully and grabs the raider ankle firmly. Catcher pulls the raider close and make him to fall.
3. Thigh-catch: holding the raider from thigh part. The skills has variation like one thigh catch or double thigh catch.
4. Crocodile-catch: holding the arm of raider from a distance later pulling it closer.
5. Wrist-catch: grabing the wrist and pulling the raider closer.
Terminology uses in kabaddi:
1. Raid: The player who attempts to go in opponents half play field with single breath of cant.
2. Catch: The defensive player of grabs from the raider and completely over power them, so that he cannot raturn safely to his own half.
3.cant: It is repeated clear sound from the raider in a single breath.”kabaddi, kabaddi”.
4.Broken cant: ‘kabbadi , kabbadi…’ is broken in the single breath.