English, asked by chinmayshrivastava09, 8 months ago

Tell points how to write a paragraph on " IF I BECOME THE PRIME MINISTER "


Answered by mayashihora

Pen in hand, I wonder, what I should write. What an idea! Can I become the Prime Minister of India? Well, why not? There are no basic qualifications for that. I am a citizen of free India. I have all the qualifications of a modern leader.

If, by some stroke of luck, I become an all- powerful person in India even for a short period, I am going to change the face of this country. The first thing I shall lay my hand on would be education. I will change the entire system of education and make it purposeful, useful, interesting and easy. I will change the entire system of education. There will be no pass-fail system. Everyone who completes his courses will be declared successful. Teaching and testing will go hand in hand. More stress will be laid on practical work and vocational training. Education will be free and universal. Open textbook system of examination followed by viva-voce test will be introduced at all levels. Teachers will be asked to re-orient themselves for the new challenges and steps will be taken to make the teaching profession really attractive. Sub-standard and ill-equipped teachers will be thrown out and really talented people will be inducted into the profession.

I shall introduce some drastic changes in the system of elections. No person who is not educated up the matriculation stage, will be allowed to contest an election. Elections will be financed by the State. Defection will not be allowed. Elections will be free and fair. Really, capable men will be encouraged to come forward and join the government. All parties will be allowed a free use of the All India Radio and the Doordarshan. Independents and regional parties will not be allowed to contest.

There will be equality of opportunity for all. The system of reservations of jobs will be scrapped. Merit will be the only criterion for jobs and admissions. There will be no place for nepotism, corruption and recommendations.

I shall try to establish a truly socialistic pattern of society. The gap between the rich and the poor will be narrowed down. Nobody will be allowed to hold more than one house. Right to property will be taken away. The rich will not be allowed to become richer beyond a certain limit and the poor will be taken away. The rich will not be allowed to become richer beyond a certain limit and the poor will not be allowed to become poorer. Medical treatment will be free. There will be no unemployment. Agriculture will be given the highest priority. Family planning will be strictly enforced to achieve a target of zero growth. Cottage and small scale industry will grow simultaneously with heavy industries. More and more hydel power projects and solar power sets will be installed so that there is no shortage of power in the country.

Character building will also receive an important place. Textbooks will be re-written to build up character, a sense of nationalism and patriotism. Every student will be made to feel that he is an Indian first and an Indian last. They will be made to participate to constructive activities and will be called upon to build a new India free from poverty, dirt and lethargy. Sports and cultural activities will be encouraged on a big scale. Sportsmen would be caught young and given an intensive training so that they bring a fair name to the country in various international meets.

Under my able stewardship, the country will march on the greater and greater prosperity. Evils like corruption, smuggling and hoarding will become things of the past. Our country will be a heaven of peace and prosperity. In the international field, India will occupy a place of honour. All this is no bragging or self-praise. Nothing is impossible. I shall do my best to fulfill the dreams of Mahatma Gandhi the Father of the Nation. In a very short time, my country will become a land of peace and prosperity where every head is high, where every hand is busy, and where every heart is happy.

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