English, asked by lakshmi3860, 9 months ago

Tell us about one real world problem which you are really passionate about.


Answered by rasmiyap


When you're asked what you are passionate about during a job interview, it's a good opportunity to share hobbies, enthusiasms, or whatever is important in your life. The hiring manager is looking to learn as much as possible about you and what you can bring to the company, in addition to the skills that qualify you for the job.

When answering interview questions about your interests, you want to demonstrate your commitment to your passion, whatever it is. You also want to be honest – interviewers can spot a canned answer easily. Answer with honesty and just enough detail, and you will successfully show the hiring manager a bit more about who you are.

What the Employer Really Wants to Know

Why do companies want to know more about you than whether you meet the job requirements and are a good fit for the position?

Employers ask about your passions for a number of reasons. For example, they might ask about your favorite hobbies to learn about your personal interests and values. This question helps the employer see that you're a well-rounded person, with a life outside of the office.

The employer might also ask this question to get to know you on a personal level and to build a rapport.

Even if the hiring manager doesn’t share your passion, he or she will relate to your enthusiasm.

By learning more about who you are as an individual, the employer can get a sense of whether you will fit in well with the company culture. While your passion does not have to be related to the work you will be doing at the company, your answer will show the hiring manager whether you are a committed person who follows through with what you believe in. This is an important quality for almost any job.

How to Answer “What Are You Passionate About?”

Before the interview, prepare by picking a passion that you will bring up if you get asked this question.

Select something that genuinely excites you. It does not have to be directly related to the job – in fact, it shouldn’t be, because that will sound insincere (after all, who is really passionate about spreadsheets?).

The more sincere you are, the more likely the employer will be able to sense your genuine excitement.

Answered by doggamer987


global warming


Us humans are causing Global warming so it's getting warmer and warmer. All the glaciers will start to melt and Antarctica will start melting and all the animals will start dying because they might not be able to adapt to the warm climate and polar bears have a thick layer of fur to keep them warm in Antarctica and the waters are going to get warmer and the blubber will keep them too warm. There will also be more hurricanes because hurricanes come from warm water so when a hurricane develops with the global warming the waters will be much warmer so it gives it more power and it would be much worse then hurricanes today.    

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