Temperate zone country list
Countries that lie in the temperate zone are as follows:
- United States of America
- Countries of Europe
- India
- Canada
- Japan
- New Zealand
- Middle East
- North Africa
- Uruguay
Temperate zones are the regions that have a moderate temperature and lie between the Sub-tropic region and the Polar Regions. The temperature in the temperate zone can change and vary a lot between summer season and winter season. This means that the temperatures may not be too hot or not too cold.
The countries which are located in the sub-tropic region and the polar region are known temperate zone eg: India, countries of Europe, Middle East, North Africa, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, United States of America, Uruguay
The Tropics are the places where the Sun appears directly overhead at one or more times during the year, shifting between the northern and southern halves of the sky. For this to happen, the distance from the Equator has to be no more than the Earth's axis tilt.
The polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic) are where the sun does not rise at all on at least one day a year, and the sun does not set at all on at least one day a year. For this to happen, the distance from the North or South Pole has to be no more than the Earth's axis tilt.
The North and South Temperate Zones are everything else; in these regions, every day has a sunrise and sunset, but the sun never goes directly overhead, and always stays in the South for the North Temperate Zone and vice versa.
This does not always correlate with comfortable temperatures; for example, in Mexico, the cool high central plateau is south of the Tropic of Cancer, while the most extreme desert climates are north of it.