Tense chart for class10
Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future. ... The future tense describes things that have yet to happen. e.g., later, tomorrow, next week, next year, three years from now.
There are two further types of tense: the continuous and the perfect. These tenses are sometimes referred to as aspects rather than tenses. The term aspect is used in grammar to talk about the form of a verb that shows, for example, whether the action happens once or repeatedly, is completed or still continuing
.There is a final set of tenses which combine features of the perfect and continuous tenses. They are formed and used as follow
Subject + Formula of Tense + Object
Continuous Tense
Present Tense
Ist Form + s/es
Is/Am/Are + Ist Form + ing
Has/Have + IIIrd Form
Has/Have Been + Ist Form + ing
IInd Form
Was/Were + Ist Form + ing
Had + IIIrd Form
Had Been + Ist Form + ing
Future Tense
Will/Shall + Ist Form
Will be + Ist Form + ing
Will Have + IIIrd Form
Will Have Been + Ist Form + ing
FOR better understanding refer to the you tube channel Dear sir..... he has explained tense very well in his video. Search it!!!!