Geography, asked by kpackman533, 1 month ago

Test 2. Modified True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If the statement is FALSE, cross out the word(s) that make the statement incorrect and write the word(s) that will make the statement true. (2 points each)

EXAMPLE in writing your answers in a separate paper if your answer is FALSE:

Question: Jose Rizal is our independent hero.

Answer: independent X – NATIONAL

1. Studying globalization means expanding research beyond the most popular spheres of economic and political globalization and not necessarily including cultural and environmental issues, and such other problems.

2. Smart phones allow users to keep in touch silently with different people at the same time. Social change is now possible because of messages.

3. Storytellers no longer had to rely completely on their memories making the people’s capacity to remember dull.

4. Disregarding culture as static as it is the product of reflection necessities and discoveries.

5. When religions come in contact with each other, competition and conflicts will be avoided.

6. Globalization has paradoxical effect of making religions more self-conscious of themselves as being generic religions.

7. Religion has been experiencing difficulty in coping up with liberalism, consumerism, and rationalism because such phenomena advocate scientism and secularism which are values that accompany globalization.

8. Force has always been effective and shared values such as democracy, human rights, and individual opportunities are highly persuasive according to Nye.

9. MNCs have the capacity to erase and transcend the borders of the world, and goods and products have the extrinsic capability to attract target market regardless of geographical location and political ideology.

10. Friedman learned from his experiences in the 21st century that world is becoming interconnected and some of the trends of international relations are technological innovation, economic cooperation, and political decline.

11. Transnational non-governmental organizations and social movements operate and offer an alternative to transnational corporations in the global civil society.

12. Population is part of human demography. One of the debatable matters is to whether or not lower income countries result in lower population growth.

13. Connectedness of nations, ethnicities, and states is the new trend in the international arena. The world is becoming fragmented because of the development of physical and human geographies.

14. There are scholars who believed that social inequality, economic depression, and freedom deprivation are the factors why people move from one place to another.

15. It is practical and logical to constantly put into consideration the technology in the decision-making and policy-making processes of a nation-state since it is where people build livelihoods on, and which suffers when they turn a blind eye in term of developing.


Answered by nareshkumarajariwal


1)A perennial challenge facing all of the world's countries, regardless of their level of economic development, is achieving financial stability, economic growth, and higher living standards. There are many different paths that can be taken to achieve these objectives, and every country's path will be different given the distinctive nature of national economies and political systems. The ingredients contributing to China's high growth rate over the past two decades have, for example, been very different from those that have contributed to high growth in countries as varied as Malaysia and Malta.

2)6Mobile phone converts voice, text, multi-media messages or data calls into Radio Frequencies (RF). Mobile phone base stations transmit and receive these RF signals and connect callers to other phones and other networks.

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