Write a notice suitable for your college notice board informing the students about a cultural programme to be organized by your college. You are Nayan/ Namrata, the
cultural secretary of Sankardev College, Dibrugarh.
27th July 2020
Informing about Cultural Programme
This is to inform You all that Our college is organising a Cultural programme which is going to be held on July 29 from 3:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m at the school auditorium. Student who are interested to participate in cultural activities like dancing,singing and roleplays can give their name to Cultural secretary till 28th July.
Thank You!
Nayan(Cultural Secretary)
Required letter writing:
Sankardev college, Dibrugarh
Date: 27th July, 2020
Organizing Cultural Program
Dear students, This Notice is to inform you all about organizing a Cultural Program in our Collage about the State Cultural Programs of our country India. The program was be organised on 15th August at 10:30am to 12:00pm on the occasion on Independence Day Event in Our college, We request you to wear the school uniform, Except the event participants. You can also call you parents. The event will be organised in Collage Stadium. Interested students how like to join the event can contact your head teachers.
Thank you,
Cultural secretary.