English, asked by XxLuckyGirIxX, 4 hours ago


Write your views on the changes that have brought in the educational system due to covid pandemic . Mark your suggestions to improve the existing system!

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Answered by TheMoonlìghtPhoenix



The changes in education takes place many times during a decade. But, the COVID 19 virus has changed it all. Earlier, children used to go school 'nd they had to bring their own mat. Since the 21st century, tables and chairs entered the arena. After that, the simple slate-chalk changed to pen and a notebook. Now, even blackboards have suffered an evolution; they've been replaced by smart boards now a days. We had seen this whole trait, and awaited what the future wanted to change, until this disease changed the whole procedure. The schools have been transformed into online institutions. There is only a virtual connection between a student 'nd a teacher .

Some praise it, some regret it.

The students can't get their queries solved properly, the way the teacher explains, face to face. Even a teacher complains if a student understood or not, because they are not able to face 'em, the facial interaction is missing, 'nd the student blindly says ,"Yes" which is the only sight if approval for the teacher.

We can take many advantages of the following situations, make most out of it. We can use the electronic resources to catch a new concept, which might be applicable not now but in the future, it 'oud be possible that the same concept came in competitive exam! On the contrary, prone eye power increasing cases also can't be excluded fully.

That's why, we need to go through pros and cons, as COVID has shown us the future education, 'nd make out the best in it, until we can fully evade this virus out.

Ataraxia: Great! (:
TheMoonlìghtPhoenix: Thank you!
Answered by SweetestBitter

\begin{gathered}\large {\boxed{\sf{\mid{\overline {\underline {\star ANSWER ::}}}\mid}}}\end{gathered}

Changes in the Educational System due to Covid Pandemic :-

  • Ofcourse no doubt, the educational system changed due to the corona pandemic, one side worser and on the other hand better.
  • Everything became online. Living in a virtual world is more different than the usual schools.
  • Comming to affordability, Many Students were benifited whereas, the some section of people experienced a zero education year. To be honest, the poor section of people including the government school students of India suffered the most as they couldn't afford enough technology.
  • I would like to highlight a few points here to share my views :

Better side of the Changes :-

  • THINKING OUT OF THE BOX : The education system usually preferred bookish knowledge when there were live classes, but now, students are in need to think out of the box and explore even to complete a single assignment. Ofcourse, students are learning practically a lot rather than just memorising the book.
  • SKILL DEVELOPMENT : When schools were open, the educational system was just based on the study of the same 5 subjects and barely enjoying the free period, but now students are learning life skills which is the most useful resource for survival.
  • COMFORT : Students now a days enjoy more comfort than studying at school, they sit as they want and adapt themselves to take the lessons better.
  • EVERYTHING IS WITHIN REACH : At school, when you need an information, ofcourse we have to search it in the book or ask the teacher for it, but now a days, they are easily accessible with the help of internet and now there is a chance of learning not only the searched information, but more than that too. Hence everything is in the reach of just seconds.
  • MORE CREATIVE WAYS OF LEARNING : At school the only way of learning was the board and chalk, barely some use practical labs. But now at online learning, teachers developed their own skills to make students curious, they use presentations, quizzes, flash cards, and some videos, also the students enjoy those.
  • UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF PEOPLE AT HOME : Parents are now a days able to know what Children do in their academics.

Bitter side of the Changes :

  • NO PHYSICAL INTERACTION : Students and teachers are not connected physically now a days, they just meet online. Hence some problems remain unsolved.
  • EYE STRAIN : How many hours online class last ? Its around 5-6 hours for me as a senior secondary student. Ofcourse, eyes are extremely at danger, and soona may get affected serious if this continues.
  • MORE MENTAL WORK : Energy is really more required for a mental work than physical. Hence students face mental stress a lot now a days due to online learning.
  • NO PHYSICAL WORKS : Literally, everyone became lazy with nil physical works. But at schools we used to have physical education period.
  • COPYING EXAMS : Ofcourse, 97% of the students just refer the internet to write their exams and just score good marks which is actually useless. Also, teachers take questions just from books and other Internet resources.
  • OK FOR JUST TEACHER'S SAKE : Now a days, Students are not caring about their understanding level but they just say 'understood' even if they don't.

My suggestions to improve the existing educational system :

  • I would say that, the timing of online classes could be reduced. So that students can be a bit more engaged it other extra curricular works developing life skills which is the need of the hour.
  • The exams must judge creativity not copying skills, teachers must take questions out of their own knowledge not books or reference resources.
  • Students must be made to interact a lot even if they are not physically connected.
  • Better usage of technology. Technology is at the finger tips of everone and must be used wiser.


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