Divide a line segment of length 8cm internally in the ratio 3:4.
Step-by-step explanation:
STEP I Draw the line segment AB of length 8 cm.
STEP II Draw any ray AX making an acute angle BAX with AB.
STEP III Draw a ray BY parallel to AX by making equal to
STEP IV Mark the three point A1, A2, A3 on AX and 4 points B1, B2, B3, B4 on BY such that
AA1 = A1A2 = A2A3 = BB1 = B1B2 = B2B3 = B3B4.
Step-by-step explanation:
Steps of construction
STEP I Draw the line segment AB of length 8 cm.
STEP II Draw any ray AX making an acute angle BAX with AB.
STEP III Draw a ray BY parallel to AX by making equal to
STEP IV Mark the three point A1, A2, A3 on AX and 4 points B1, B2, B3, B4 on BY such that
AA1 = A1A2 = A2A3 = BB1 = B1B2 = B2B3 = B3B4.
STEP V Join A3 B4. Suppose it intersects AB at a point P.
Then, P is the point dividing AB internally in the ratio 3:4.