English, asked by Tiashasha1, 11 months ago


Write a essay on:
\textbf{Save fuel for better environment}

Condition: Leave a slogan and a message on the last of the essay

Word limit: 700 to 800 words..

Note: Answer should.. be written ourself.. otherwise it is deleted on the spot.. and be honest i will gave you 50 points.. ✔✅


Answered by Noah11



Fuel is one of the precious things we need in our everyday lives, Several fossil fuels like Coal, petroleum and wood  are extremely essential for our day to day activities, some fossil fuels, as we know only found in selected countries and to have access to those fuels many countries are spending billion dollars, but are still lacking the amounts to be considered in perpetual use, I must say that most of our future generations will have to live without these fuels if we use the fossil fuels in high amount. To keep the environment stable for Humans, we have to understand how fuels can be saved and must bring awareness towards the people of our society. Some fuels like petroleum and coal take millions of years to develop, even after we know it, we are misusing it, If we can save the fossil fuels from complete exhaustion, we could live in a better environment, but there are some fuels like petrol and diesel which causes pollution thus, making the air unsafe for humans to inhale, even though these are Important for human transport bet we must limit the usage of these fuels, Scientists are creating vehicles which do not need any petrol or diesel to run, or there are some easy measures to follow until the scientists are working on battery vehicles: Turning the engine off while waiting on traffic, Try to follow the given speed limit in the particular roads, these measures save fuels as well as life so everyone must implement it, I want to mention more easy measures which we can easily Implement: Turning off the gas stove in time, Cooking without high heat might also save some nutrients, Unnecesary use of fuels may also lead to unwanted combustion in the atmosphere and may give a huge amount of property loss, In India the fuels are used to create unwanted firecrackers which are not really necessary for us and can definetly cause high level of pollution in the city, The national capital Delhi has also experience the crisis of pure air. Thus the government there banned the firecrackers.  Some of the awareness campaigns are Running in the cities of India associated by PCRA( petrol conservation research association). Industries also play a big role in exhausting the fuels, and they use a high amount of various fossil fuels thus becoming a bane for the environment and the human race. Nowadays the lack of fuel is in almost every country, We all have to aware about this situation, and only together we can bring a change to our society, and let the people understand the value of fuels for the mankind and earth.

Slogan: Don't be cruel try to conserve your fuel

Message- If we waste the precious fossil fuels, we are only putting a step forward to the destruction of mankind, we should try to save fuels as much as we can because every ounce counts and we can only bring a change, If we are Together.

Hope it helps you!

Anonymous: Great answer! :)
Noah11: thanka thanka :)
GhaintKudi45: Great answer noah!! The answer is really appreciable! Keep up the owsmm work dear :)
Noah11: Thank you so much! @khushisolanki
Noah11: ^_^
sneha19052003: nice answer!!
Noah11: welci!:)
Noah11: Thanka Choo much! Adorbs xx
Answered by duragpalsingh

God gifted us many things. He made the world and our planet Earth. On Earth, we human are undoubtedly dependent on various things. We’re also dependent to Fuel. Aren’t we? Yes we’re dependent. Fuel is a thing when heated produce energy. 

                       We need various things for making ourselves good such as Food. For cooking food, we need fuel. So, Fuel is very important and its role is indispensable. For example: Food works like a fuel in human body. It gives energy to human body and helps in maintaining the growth and life of human and animals as well.

                       Fossil Fuels such as coal, petroleum, natural gas are mainly used in industries for various purposes. Electricity, the thing which we need daily as a source of energy is also produced by Fossil fuels. Rapid and Uncontrolled urbanization also has the demand of more Energy which is being produced by fuels. We can’t do much without fuels.

                        Combustion of fuels has a bad impact on our Environment and led to the pollution. Our environment includes birds, trees, water, air etc. We’re also willingly dependent on our Environment. Environment is clean than only we’ve fresh mind and healthy. Combustion of fossil fuels led the formation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It harms our Environment. The air is mixed with greenhouse gases and we breathe. It effects on our lives and health. It may cause respiratory diseases such as asthma and pulmonary disorder. It may also harm to our ecosystem.

                         The ozone layer safeguards our earth. It defend us from the ultraviolet rays coming from the sun. The combustion of fuels produces greenhouse gases which led to the depleting of ozone layer faster. This affects the earth. We’ll suffer from it.

                          We need a peaceful environment and a better place to live. For making our environment safe we should not use vehicles much which need more fuel. Wow! It saves our money. Let’s make people aware of walking and using more and more bicycle not any fuel consuming vehicle. We should switch off engines while waiting for traffic light. 

                         Let’s use more and more LED bulbs and computer monitors. Let’s use CNG engines. Let’s use solar boats while travelling though water bodies. Let’s use clean renewable fuels. Let’s make our lives peaceful by saving fuel. Let’s make our future peaceful and brighter.  

Inflameroftheancient: Great job unknown creature ... :P
Noah11: brilliant answer sir!
GhaintKudi45: Gr8 answer sir!!
Mylo2145: clap clap!
sneha19052003: nice ans!!
duragpalsingh: Thanks everyone! :)
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