# Only for Brainly Stars Or English Shakespeare...
you are Nikhil aur Ankita students of Saint John High School studying in grade 10 write a letter to the chief editor Times of India Mumbai requesting him to publish hygiene and sanitation related issues of nearby areas of your school and due to the problems students of your school are suffering from distinct diseases.
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Such a letter will be a formal letter.
Let's see the format first.
Required Answer:
Saint John High School
10 July 2020
The Chief Editor
Times of India
Subject: requesting to publish hygiene and sanitation-related issues of nearby areas of my school.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I Ankita of Grade 10 want to request you to publish hygiene and sanitation-related issues of nearby areas of my school and due to the problems students of my school. Due to unhygienic areas, the students are suffering from a distinct disease. They are not attending the class properly. The study is getting affected. And the future of the nation is children. If children will not become fit how our nation will develop?
They become weak and not that strong enough to come to school. Most of the children are worried about their exams. Even parents are also getting tensed about their future if their child. Cleanliness is so important in life. cleanliness is next to godliness.
I hope the concerned authorities will take some action soon. I hope my area will be cleaned as soon as possible.
I will remain obliged if my article finds a place in some corner of your popular newspaper.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Grade 10
Saint John High School
10 July 2020
The Chief Editor
Times of India
Subject: requesting to publish hygiene and sanitation-related issues of nearby areas of my school.
Through the columns of your esteemed daily I Ankita of Grade 10 want to request you to publish hygiene and sanitation-related issues of nearby areas of my school and due to the problems students of my school. Due to unhygienic areas, the students are suffering from a distinct disease. They are not attending the class properly. The study is getting affected. And the future of the nation is children. If children will not become fit how our nation will develop?
They become weak and not that strong enough to come to school. Most of the children are worried about their exams. Even parents are also getting tensed about their future if their child. Cleanliness is so important in life. cleanliness is next to godliness.
I hope the concerned authorities will take some action soon. I hope my area will be cleaned as soon as possible.
I will remain obliged if my article finds a place in some corner of your popular newspaper.
Thanking You
Yours truly
Grade 10