The Goldy Bird
A goldy bird
The bird catcher
The king and
The queen
There lived a Goldy bird on a tree in a dense forest. When she sang , pearls used to roll off her beak. One day a bird catcher saw her and thought, " Aha! It is a lottery prize. If I catch her I will get pearls everyday and become rich in no time. "
The bird catcher spread his net on the ground and scattered some rice grains. The Goldy bird came down to feed on the grains and got caught.
The bird catcher collected pearls and became wealthy but people still called him a bird catcher. He was not respected.
He began thinking of a plan to earn the respect of others.
He got an idea. The bird catcher got a beautiful golden cage made for Goldy. He presented the bird and the cage to the king and said proudly, "My Lord! This bird will sing beautiful tunes for you and give you pearls everyday ."
The wonderful present delighted the king and he made the bird catcher minister of his court.
In a short time the king had heaps of pearls. He presented the bird and the cage to his queen.
One day the queen opened the door of the cage and the Goldy flew away. The queen gave the cage to the royal goldsmith and said, "Make beautiful gold ornaments for me out of this cage."
The free bird, Goldy said, "Queen mother! So kind of you to free me. You are great. I was sad as a caged bird."
She flew in the Jungle and sang songs in praise of the queen.
Moral: No one can stay happy in prison.
Birds are free creatures naturally.
We should never put them in prison.
Hope it helps..
Title => NayanShreyas01
Further Explanation
This is the story of a myself whose NayanShreyas01. I wanted to become a very big man, and wanted my name in the world. my Age is small but dreams were very big, as I got older, his dreams also started getting bigger. I am always very hardworking.
Here into the story I am a good boy who studies well and I a boy who have infinite dreams to achieve and After completing my Studies , I am running my company and the company started earning good profit, after some time started earning even better profit.
I got a lot of success. In doing so, that I became the most successful man in that field. As I have dreams To be successful is to make a name in the world, but it is said that where there is success there is failure after. some days gone then myself nayanshreyas01 I am reverse days started. and my company gradually began to incur losses.
The deficit increased so much that millions of borrowings came on it. I was very upset and disappointed and even I was sad depressed. Lenders started harassing him. If I don't pay the money I will kill. One day me got fed up with all these things and thought, if I will not stay then why worry.
Now I sits in a garden. And wept very loudly and started saying but finally I didn't lose hope I try to worked hard and now finally I am back how I was before.