Step-by-step explanation:
Use the factorial function in your answer: 11 + 3! (1*2*3, which equals 6) + 13 = 30
Change the mathematical base system of the equation in certain places (this can give an answer with multiple bases or a single base): For single bases: ..For multiple bases... 910+910+910=309. A number which appears as "30" when written in a different base system doesn't represent "thirty" in base ten. When written in base 9 as 309, is equivalent to twenty seven in base ten: (2710). Or using all the same base: 135+115+15=305 in base five, which is equivalent to (810+610+110=1510) in base ten. Or 139+159+19=309 in base nine.
Use the commas given in the question to your advantage: In many countries the comma (,) is used instead of the full stop (.) to represent a decimal point. For example "3.5" (three and a half) can be written as "3,5". This allows for the solution 11,3 + 15,7 + 3 = 30.
Only use numbers in two of the brackets: You could leave one of the brackets blank and have the answer as () + (15) + (15) = 30. The first fifteen represents a fifteen with a "unary plus" (+15) and the second fifteen added to the first one gives us thirty. The first bracket is left empty.
Rotate one of the accepted numbers so that it resembles a different number: If the number 9 is rotated 180 degrees then it can resemble the number 6. 6 (an upside down number "9") + 9 + 15 = 30.
The right answer is nothing
Because all the numbers given are odd
And if we add three odd numbers the result will be an odd number itself
But the answer is an even number which is 30
So it cannot be solved . . . . . . .