When do you use a Form?
Form is a graphical representation of a table. Forms are useful to add, update and delete records in a table.
What is the use of Criteria row in the Query design grid?
Criteria row helps to filter the records according to a given criteria.
Name the three views in which a form is displayed.
Form View, Layout View and Design View.
How do you adjust the design of your form?
By clicking the design button and adjust our form accordingly.
How do you create a form?
1. Select the table for which you want to create the form
2. Click the Create tab on the Ribbon
3. Click Form in the Forms group.
Define a query, form, report.
Query: a query displays specific records from a table that meet a certain criteria.
Form: A form is a graphical representation of a table.
Report: A report is an effective way to present the data in a printed format.
Explain the design grid of the query window.
Design grid helps to add fields to the query and also specify the criteria. Design grid contains
a) Field row: displays the fields from the selected table.
b) Table row: displays the name of the table
c) Sort row: is used to filter the data in ascending or descending order.
d) Show row: displays check mark which indicates that this field will be visible when the query is run.
e) Criteria row: is used to specify the condition on the basis of which the records will be filtered.
f) Or row: is used to specify multiple criteria.
How do you apply multiple criteria to the same table? Explain through an example.
You can apply multiple criteria to the same table. If you place two criteria on the same line, Access will only retrieve records where both criteria are met. For example, if you want all records where the State is equal to "DE" and the Last Name is equal to Smith, you would set the State field to = "DE" and the Last Name field to = "Smith" and you would place both criteria on the same line.
If you place one set of criteria on the Criteria line and the second set of criteria on the Or line, Access will retrieve records if either criteria are met. For example, you want all records where the State is equal to "DE" or the Last Name is equal to Smith. You would set the State field to = "DE" and the Last Name field to = "Smith" and you would place one set of criteria on the Criteria line and the other set of criteria on the Or line. Access will bring back all records where the state equals DE and all records where the Last Name is equal to Smith no matter what the State is. You can add additional AND, OR statements by using the lines below the Or line. For And clauses, place the criteria on the same line; for Or clauses, place the criteria on separate lines.
- Sort : Is used to filter the data in ascending or descending order.
- Show : Displays check mark which indicates that this field will be visible when the query is run.
- Criteria : is used to specify the condition on the basis of which the records will be filtered.