Step-by-step explanation:
Four solutions were found :
y= 0.0000 - 1.3333 i
y= 0.0000 + 1.3333 i
y= 0.0000 - 0.7500 i
y= 0.0000 + 0.7500 i
Step by step solution :
Step 1 :
Equation at the end of step 1 :
((144 • (y4)) + 337y2) + 144 = 0
Step 2 :
Equation at the end of step 2 :
((24•32y4) + 337y2) + 144 = 0
Step 3 :
Trying to factor by splitting the middle term
3.1 Factoring 144y4+337y2+144
The first term is, 144y4 its coefficient is 144 .
The middle term is, +337y2 its coefficient is 337 .
The last term, "the constant", is +144
Step-1 : Multiply the coefficient of the first term by the constant 144 • 144 = 20736
Step-2 : Find two factors of 20736 whose sum equals the coefficient of the middle term, which is 337 .
-20736 + -1 = -20737
-10368 + -2 = -10370
-6912 + -3 = -6915
-5184 + -4 = -5188
-3456 + -6 = -3462
-2592 + -8 = -2600
-2304 + -9 = -2313
-1728 + -12 = -1740
-1296 + -16 = -1312
-1152 + -18 = -1170
-864 + -24 = -888
-768 + -27 = -795
-648 + -32 = -680
-576 + -36 = -612
-432 + -48 = -480
-384 + -54 = -438
-324 + -64 = -388
-288 + -72 = -360
-256 + -81 = -337
-216 + -96 = -312
-192 + -108 = -300
-162 + -128 = -290
-144 + -144 = -288
-128 + -162 = -290
-108 + -192 = -300
-96 + -216 = -312
-81 + -256 = -337
-72 + -288 = -360
-64 + -324 = -388
-54 + -384 = -438
-48 + -432 = -480
-36 + -576 = -612
-32 + -648 = -680
-27 + -768 = -795
-24 + -864 = -888
-18 + -1152 = -1170
-16 + -1296 = -1312
-12 + -1728 = -1740
-9 + -2304 = -2313
-8 + -2592 = -2600
-6 + -3456 = -3462
-4 + -5184 = -5188
-3 + -6912 = -6915
-2 + -10368 = -10370
-1 + -20736 = -20737
1 + 20736 = 20737
2 + 10368 = 10370
3 + 6912 = 6915
4 + 5184 = 5188
6 + 3456 = 3462
8 + 2592 = 2600
9 + 2304 = 2313
12 + 1728 = 1740
16 + 1296 = 1312
18 + 1152 = 1170
24 + 864 = 888
27 + 768 = 795
32 + 648 = 680
36 + 576 = 612
48 + 432 = 480
54 + 384 = 438
64 + 324 = 388
72 + 288 = 360
81 + 256 = 337 That's it
Step-3 : Rewrite the polynomial splitting the middle term using the two factors found in step 2 above, 81 and 256
144y4 + 81y2 + 256y2 + 144
Step-4 : Add up the first 2 terms, pulling out like factors :
9y2 • (16y2+9)
Add up the last 2 terms, pulling out common factors :
16 • (16y2+9)
Step-5 : Add up the four terms of step 4 :
(9y2+16) • (16y2+9)
Which is the desired factorization.