What is a flower?
Describe the parts of a typical Angiospermic flower.
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Flower is the seed-bearing part of a plant, consisting of reproductive organs (stamens and carpels) that are typically surrounded by a brightly coloured corolla (petals) and a green calyx (sepals).
A typical angiospermic flower has four parts, which plays an important part in reproduction. Complete answer: ... A flower has four different parts, they are - calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium. The parts androecium and gynoecium contain the male and female reproductive organs of a flower respectively.
A flower can be defined as the reproductive unit of any angiosperms . Flowers carry out sexual reproduction angiosperms. A typical flower is generally attractively modified stem with a condensed axis . A flower has four different parts , they are - calyx , corolla , androecium and gynoecium