English, asked by Amrithooda, 10 months ago

\textbf{Write your views on Christmas}Write your views on Christmas 


\textbf{Write an essay on Christmas}Write an essay on Christmas 


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Answered by ans81
Merry Christmas  


Christmas is celebrated across the world, especially by the people following Christianity. It is celebrated every year on 25th of December to mark the birth anniversary of Jesus Christ, who founded Christianity. People celebrate Christmas with lots of joy, enthusiasm and happiness. It is one of the most important annual festivals of Christianity. The preparations of the celebration start a month ago and celebrations ends 12 days after the Christmas.

How it is Celebrated 

On this day people decorate Christmas tree, invite their friends, relatives and neighbours for feasts and distribute gifts. It is believed that Santa Claus arrives on this day and secretly keeps gifts for the most obedient child in the family. Parents also keep gifts for their children in the night and children get delighted in the morning to get gifts from Santa Claus and thank him for that.

All the schools, colleges, universities, offices and other government and non-government organizations remain closed on this day. Everyone enjoys the Christmas holidays by engaging themselves in various activities and in Christmas preparations. People also prepare various delicacies and cuisines for the big day and enjoy the occasion with their family and friends.


Christmas is the day when there is the festivity all over in the air. Everyone enjoys the day with parties, feasts, dancing and sharing gifts with each others. Christmas teaches us to spread happiness and joy and help everyone, especially the needy one always. It makes us follow the great teachings of Jesus Christ and lead a life away from sins and sorrow.


Mark as brainliest
Answered by Anonymous

         Christmas day

Christmas is a quite interesting festival celebrated by Billions of people every year. We are pretty much excited for the winter season. Once Winter season comes, all people starts their decorations, cleaning, preying and living calm and God lover. Every year, Christmas is celebrated all over the world on 25th December. The reason behind celebrating Christmas on  25th Dec is to remember the birth of God of Christians Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ God came into this world as a human being to live a life like a human and solving their problems. Jesus was born in city of Bethlehem; Many of the Sages and Scholars says that, Jesus was born between 4-6 BC on 25th December. After the death of Jesus, all people over the world started celebrating 25th December as Christmas day. And, Most of the Christians new year is started from this day.

Christmas is a festival of lights, Joy, decoration, enjoy and full form greatness. Every year, Christians celebrates Christmas by decorating trees called as X-mas trees by using small led's and bulbs with keeping the gift boxes around it. Christmas is a great festival; Every year, Christmas is celebrated in month of winter; Very cold; and full of Joy and happiness.

We all know about the hardships and pains which Jesus have faced in their life. On the day of Christmas, many people starts their new year and prey to god. And, they start to follow the things said by Jesus in their life.

"Taking and giving gifts"

We love giving and sharing gifts as compared to taking gifts from others on the day of Christmas. Most of the people give blankets, dresses, bars of cake as a gift on Christmas to make their gift memorable and in their hearts and feelings. All the time of the Christmas day should be celebrated with our friends, relatives, family and parents to make the relatives connections better at all.

And lastly, Christmas tree!; The most interesting and exciting thing on Christmas is Christmas tree, We decorate X-mas tree with full of light bulbs, heaven like lightning, Candy canes, Jars and light candles. And, most interesting paper balls. We should make these paper balls in our home to remember our lives instead of buying from outside.

Every Christmas, Millions of people makes their new wishes to their God Jesus; They starts their new life; Starts positives thinking and various new experiments. At this day only, some people get a chance to meet their families and friends to make this day more memorable, they should give gifts to their friends and relatives.

There are lots of importance of Celebrating Christmas, Christmas reminds us of giving and sharing with our friends and our relatives; Christmas reminds us about our God Jesus birth; Christmas makes our attitude positive and full with joy and happiness.

Our country India also have substantial population of Christians who celebrated Christmas from India. Almost every Festival is celebrated in India, then why not Christmas ?. Schools and Colleges assembles the Students and Children's to make aware about the Christmas.

Santa Claus - Santa Claus is one of the major part of celebrating Christmas. It is to be said that, Santa Claus gifts to the Good children's to make them happy. So, most of the Children's sleep early at night hoping to receive the gift from Santa Claus. This children's also keep Cookies and Candies near their house to attract the Santa Claus.

As per as survey, there are about 2.3 Billion Christian people all over the world. This all people celebrates Christmas to remember the Day of their God. They make various wishes and new routines at the day of Christmas. As Christmas is most celebrated Festival all over the world, We should also celebrated and be aware about the Christmas day.

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