Hindi, asked by Durgeshtiwari, 1 year ago

दिमाग लगाओ जवाब बताओ सम्मान का इनाम पाओ एक घर मे ABCDEFGH ऐसे आठ भाई रहेते थे, उसमे A - इस्त्री कर रहा था B - कपडे धो रहा था C - चेस खेल रहा था D - नहा रहा था E - खाना खा रहा था F - पढाई कर रहा था G - पेपर पढ रहा था … प्रश्न ये है कि H क्या कर रहा होगा !.??? वापस पढ कर सोच कर सही जवाब दो .... HINT: सवाल का जवाब प्रश्न मेँ ही हैँ....बस जरा सा COMMON SENSE ईस्तेमाल करने की जरुरत है ! ये IAS का सवाल है


Answered by MVB
Thanks for the question.

The correct answer is that H was the opponent of C in chess game.

This is because all others were doing jobs that do not require a partner. So, it is obvious that C and H are playing together. Moreover, chess requires only two opponents. So, there are no further doubts as well.

Hope it solves your query.

Thanks for posting a great riddle.
Answered by duragpalsingh
Hey there!

There were 8 brothers.


They were doing something.

Notice that C is playing chess. 

So, H is playing chess with C.

As chess can't be played by one person. It requires two person. So, they were playing chess. 
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