English, asked by psrinivas35548, 1 year ago

"tha only sin of tha infant" "BEING BORN."


Answered by Geekydude121
A 10 lettered word for your question. "INFANT-ICIDE"From the term only we will understand the depth of the word.
Infants being blamed and killed. Foeticide, another practice going through.
In  some places in India,children are dressed as Gods and Goddesses and worshipped, whereas in some places we find them dead! The matter of fact lies that none of the killed infants knew why they were killed! Female infanticide is another major issue. It not only is a serious threat to India but also in Pakistan.Government tried hard to abolish this practice but even now in very poor remote areas and villages people still practise this.
 Dowry system is a similar way responsible for this practice.Really, it apparently seems that the fault lies in children to be born.
We hope of bringing about changes by awareness, prohibition and others and even to educate the uneducated.
 Lets all keep hope and pray to God for this....
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