CBSE BOARD XII, asked by bagtanarmy123, 5 months ago

thank you dear ❤️.

what is metaphor?​



Answered by itzinnocentbndii


congratulations you received so many thanks

a word or phrase that is used in an imaginative way to show that somebody/something has the same qualities as another thing. ‘Her words were a knife in his heart’ is a metaphor

Answered by 2103yashi


a word or phrase that is used in an imaginative way to show that somebody/something has the same qualities as another thing. ‘Her words were a knife in his heart’ is a metaphor

एक वस्‍तु की दूसरी से पूरी समानता दिखाने के लिए किसी शब्‍द का कल्‍पनाशील प्रयोग; रूपक (उदाहरण ‘Her words were a knife in his heart’ में ‘knife’ रूपक है); लक्षणा

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