The annual salaries of employees in a large company are approximately normally distributed with a mean of $50,000 and a standard deviation of $20,000.
a.What percent of people earn less than $40,000?
b.What percent of people earn between $45,000 and $65,000?
c.What percent of people earn more than $70,000?
: The annual salaries of employees in a large company are approximately normally distributed
with a mean of $50000 and a standard deviation of $20000.
a. What percent of people earn less than $40000?
Solution: Let S be the random variable of a salary of employee (in $), S ~ N(50000,20000). Then the random
variable X =−50000
( < 40000) = ( <
40000 − 50000
20000 ) = ( < −0.5) = (−0.5) = 0.3085375.
Here Φ(x) denotes the cumulative distribution function of a standard normal distribution.
Answer: 31%.
b. What percent of people earn between $45000 and $65000?
(45000 < < 65000) = (
45000 − 50000
20000 < <
65000 − 50000
20000 ) = (−0.25 < < 0.75)
= (0.75) − (−0.25) = 0.7733726 − 0.4012937 = 0.3720789.
Answer: 37%.
c. What percent of people earn more than $70000?
( > 70000) = ( >
70000 − 50000
20000 ) = ( > 1) = 0.8413447.
Let X be the normal variable denoting the annual salaries of employees. Given,
Mean and
Standard deviation
(a) percent of people earning lee than
By using the symmetry of normal distribution curve we can also write the above equation as
Hence people who earn less than is
(b) percent of people earning between
Hence percent of people who earn between and
(c) percent of people earn more than
Hence percent of people who earn more than is