The answer of what is reflex action show the various component in their proper sequence to represent a reflex arc
REFLEX ACTION is defined as quick automatic and involuntary action brought about when receptors are stimulated by external and internal stimuli
Example:Hammering by hand at site of mosquito bite
What is Reflex Action?
An automatic & involuntary response without the will of the organims.
Show the various component in their proper sequence to represent a reflex arc.
❶❫ Receptor or Sensory 0rgan:
It receives the stimulus & initiate a sensory impulse.
❷❫ Sensory or Afferent Nerve:
It carries the impulse from receptor organs to spinal cord.
❸❫ Spinal cord:
It changes sensory impulse into a motor impulse.
❹❫ Motor or Efferent Nerve:
It conduct the nerve impulse from spinal cord to the effector organs.
❺❫ Effector organ:
It gives the response producing movement of some muscles or secretion from a gland.