Math, asked by sukkagowtham5217, 10 months ago

The average of four consecutive odd multiple of 3 is neither positive nor negative. which of the following is a product of those four multiples?​


Answered by shahidul07

Step-by-step explanation:

x is positive integer. Then the number formed becomes x(x+1)(x+2) and the sum of the digits of this number is always the multiples of 3, i.e, it is 3*k where k is positive integer, hence the number is divisible by 3. Notice that the formed number will be at least a three-digit number(for 1<=x<=7) or more. For 1<=x<=7, it is trivial to see that sum of the digits will be equal to (x+2)+10*(x+1)+100*x=111*x+3=3*(37*x+1)=3*k where k=37*x+1 is a positive integer by definition.

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