Biology, asked by stuprajin6202, 2 months ago


Gram-for-gram, biological weapons are the deadliest weapons ever produced. Germs don’t respect
borders, so biological threats—manmade and naturally occurring—can quickly have global impacts.
Although only a few countries are suspected of having biological weapons, rapidly producing and
weaponizing biological agents is surprisingly easy.
What's more, it's difficult to tell the difference between legitimate and harmful biological research.
Advances in the life sciences hold extraordinary promise for new treatments and cures for disease, but
the same knowledge—and equipment—can be used to engineer deadly pathogens.
Rapid advances in biotechnology mean that most countries with pharmaceutical and medical industries
possess the knowledge and tools to develop biological weapons. And as technology and know-how
spread, the risk of improper lab safety increases, with consequences ranging from hazardous lab
accidents to the unwitting development of “superbugs” that are beyond the control of public health
1. The term biological weapons includes-
A. microorganisms or natural toxins to produce disease in humans, animals or plants
B. microorganisms used to produce treatment for humans diseases
C. pharmaceutical and medical technology for public health
D. hazardous lab accidents
2. How biotechnology provides a tool for making bioweapons ?
3. Germs don’t respect borders. What does it mean?


Answered by MissQueenOfFashion


refer To attachment plz

drop some thx plz

don't mark branilist answer plz

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