The Bishnoi conservationists take care of nature and grow with it, instead of exploiting it , Explain the statement
The rich culture of Adivasis is an important part of India’s heritage. Bishnoi is a tribal community of Rajasthan
a) The preservation of animals and vegetation has been a religion to them since fifteenth century.
b) Their spiritual mentor Jambeshwarji formulated 29 tenets- Bis (Twenty) + noi (nine).This is the origin or their name. The tenets are related to personal hygiene, maintaining good basic health, healthy social behavior and worship of god.
c) Eight tenets direct them to preserve bio-diversity and encourage good animal husbandry.
d) Their religion bans animal killing, felling green trees and directs them to protect all life forms.
e) The Bishnoi conservationists take care of nature and grow with it, instead of exploiting it. They have contributed more to environment and wildlife protection to them put entire country together.
The bishon conservationist takes care of nature and grow with it instead of exploiting it
They aim at sustainable exploytation of natural such that the already scarce resources are not exhaisted
They look into the future generation to use this same resources in their livelihood
The conservationists believes in cutting one but planting two
Envoronmental degradation in one part has dire consiquences in the other parts of the world